Day 1 of football is in the books. The Chargers and other MHSAA schools were able to hit the practice fields today! Getting ready for some Friday Night Lights!!
Virtual students and parents who did not attend orientation on Monday, please attend the Tuesday night session. This will be from 4:00-6:00 in the TY Cobb Auditorium. Face coverings are required. #ChargerNation
We hope everyone had an excellent day back, just a reminder of our District Covind-19 Information: #maskupchargers #keepchargingforward
Students who are taking virtual classes for CCHS will be contacted this week to set up a time for orientation.
We are excited to see our students tomorrow! We ask if you have the ability to bring your student to and from school please do so to help prevent bus crowding. #MaskUpChargers
The circle parking lot is scheduled to be completed tomorrow 8/11. The high school drop off will be in the circle parking lot and ths jr high will be at the band hall parking lot.
We look forward to seeing faculty and staff tomorrow!Please report to your schools! Per the new governor’s executive order face masks or face shields now required.#WeGotUCovered
UPDATE: CCHS Plans for School to Restart
Distance Learning Info: Please note, distance learning forms are due to the schools on July 31, 2020. Forms are available on each school's website.
New school Calendar
Schedule Change to allow additional training for teachers to better serve our students! Teachers report Aug 5 and students begin Aug 12! New school calendar will be on our website!
Holmes Community College will be at CCHS on Tuesday July 21st from 1-3. They will be here to help any juniors or seniors fill out the online application for dual enrollment classes. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Roberts at
CCHS has released the plans for reopening. You can also find all CCSD Covid related info here Thank you and be safe!
Choctaw County High School 2020-2021 start of school plan.
Students begin on August 5th! Note it is a Wednesday and will be a early dismissal day as well!
Below are the links to CCSD’s reopening plan. Schools will be posting plans specific to their campus!
1) Reopening Plan:
2) Plans & Procedures:
3) Online Registration Form:
Below are the links to CCSD’s reopening plan. Schools will be posting plans specific to their campus!
Reopening Plan:
Plans & Procedures:
Online Registration:
We look to start releasing the start of school plans next week Tuesday and beyond. We will release generalized plans from the district. Schools will release plans specific to them!
Administrators and medical personnel continue to work together to plan ways to have traditional start to school. Plans hope to be posted next week. Working on options for parents.