Are you interested in archery for 2022 - 2023? Please see the information below. #GoChargers
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
CCHS and CCJHS exam schedule! #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
2nd Semester
We can't wait to see everyone on Wednesday, May 18th in the CCHS cafeteria to honor these wonderful ladies! #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Join us at graduation! #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
CCHS and CCJHS students interested in cross country for 2022 - 2023, please see the information below. #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
cross country
Jr. High and High School Girls Basketball Tryout Information for 2022 - 2023! #GoChargers
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Girls Basketball
Reminder for Jr. High baseball tryouts for incoming 7th and 8th graders! #GoChargers
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Please see the important information from Choctaw County Charger Athletic Booster Club! #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Booster Club
We are amped up about earning a $100,000 Learning Environment Grant through School Uplift, a free energy management program from @TVAEnergyRight and 4-County Electric Power Association. We’re grateful to both of these organizations for everything they have done to help make sure our classrooms are great places to work and learn.
almost 3 years ago, Glen Blaine
CCHS and CCJHS would like to thank TVA and 4-County for paying for ice cream from Mom and Pop for our students today! They loved it! Also, thank you so much for the $100,000 grant for our school! #GoChargers! #ThankYouTVA #ThankYou4-County
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Grant 1
Grant 2
Grant 3
Grant 5
Thank you to Dakota with Alfa Insurance for the donuts this morning! Also, thank you to the Bank of Kilmichael for the biscuits this morning! Our teachers had a wonderful breakfast! #GoChargers! #TeacherAppricationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Bank Kilmichael and Alfa Insurance
CCHS and CCJHS would like to thank the Chamber of Commerce for the water bottles today! #GoChargers #TeacherAppreicationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber Singers were invited to sing at the Courthouse today! #GoChargers!
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
CCHS, CCJHS, and CCCTC would like to thank the Patterson family for the amazing cake today! #GoChargers! #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
We Love Our Teachers!!
almost 3 years ago, Charger Nation
Thank you to the Hood family for the bucket full of snacks given to CCHS and CCJHS staff! #GoChargers! #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Hood Family
Thank you to Tiny Blessing Day Care and Supervalu for the cookies for CCHS and CCJHS staff! #GoChargers! #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Tiny Blessing Day Care and SuperValu
CCHS and CCJHS would like to thank CCHS Athletic Booster Club for the gift cards to all of our staff members to the coffee shop! The teachers are so excited!! #GoChargers #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
gift cards
CCHS and CCJHS would like to thank Shana Patterson & family, Murphy Auto Repair, Freda & Jermaine Woodard, Shirley Scott, and Ackerman Nutrition for the donuts and juice this morning! #GoChargers #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Patterson 2
Patterson 3
Thank you to Kids First Education for the snacks for CCHS and CCJHS! #GoChargers #TeacherAppreciationWeek
almost 3 years ago, Christina Reynolds
Kids 1st