UPDATE: CCHS Plans for School to Restart https://5il.co/iabd
over 4 years ago, CCSD
School Reopening
Distance Learning Info: https://5il.co/isil Please note, distance learning forms are due to the schools on July 31, 2020. Forms are available on each school's website.
over 4 years ago, CCSD
Distance Learning
New school Calendar
over 4 years ago, Charger Media
School Calendar
Schedule Change to allow additional training for teachers to better serve our students! Teachers report Aug 5 and students begin Aug 12! New school calendar will be on our website!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
School Calendar
Schedule change
Holmes Community College will be at CCHS on Tuesday July 21st from 1-3. They will be here to help any juniors or seniors fill out the online application for dual enrollment classes. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Roberts at jenniferroberts@choctawsd.ms
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
CCHS has released the plans for reopening. https://5il.co/iabd You can also find all CCSD Covid related info here https://www.choctaw.k12.ms.us/o/choctawsd/browse/146348 Thank you and be safe!
over 4 years ago, Stan Lester
Student with mask on
Choctaw County High School 2020-2021 start of school plan.
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
Students begin on August 5th! Note it is a Wednesday and will be a early dismissal day as well!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Start sign
Below are the links to CCSD’s reopening plan. Schools will be posting plans specific to their campus! 1) Reopening Plan: https://5il.co/i8tk 2) Plans & Procedures: https://5il.co/i8s5 3) Online Registration Form: https://5il.co/i8tj
over 4 years ago, Stan Lester
Back To School
Below are the links to CCSD’s reopening plan. Schools will be posting plans specific to their campus! Reopening Plan: https://5il.co/i8tk Plans & Procedures: https://5il.co/i8s5 Online Registration: https://5il.co/i8tj
over 4 years ago, CCSD
We look to start releasing the start of school plans next week Tuesday and beyond. We will release generalized plans from the district. Schools will release plans specific to them!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Puzzle pieces
Administrators and medical personnel continue to work together to plan ways to have traditional start to school. Plans hope to be posted next week. Working on options for parents.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Planning sign
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
CCHS Cheerleaders were practicing social distancing while preparing for the upcoming football season.
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
CCHS Cheer
CCSD is planning on a traditional scheduled start to school in August! Our medical task force and admins have been and will continue to plan ways for CCSD to operate as safely as possible. Our goal is to keep schools open! It will take us all working together to achieve our goal
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Safety sign
CCSD is planning on a tradition scheduled start to school in August! Our medical task force and admins have been and will continue to plan ways for CCSD to operate as safely as possible. Our goal is to keep schools open! It will take us all working together to achieve our goal!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Safety sign
Please take a moment to fill out our School Reintroduction Family Feedback survey. https://forms.gle/hbBn7R1P2ppRKYaMA Thank you, and KEEP CHARGING FORWARD!!
over 4 years ago, CCSD
Incoming 8th grade parents- Please fill out this short survey for your child. https://forms.gle/XWtez1Centv5XTwL7
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
Summer feeding program starts today! Lunch only will be served and is free to all children ages 0-18! It will be served from 11am-1pm at CCHS only. Lunch will be served Monday, Tuesday and Thursday the month of June. Grab and go style only!
over 4 years ago, Charger Media
School lunch
Who's Who 2020!
over 4 years ago, Charger Nation
Who's Who 2020!
Who's Who 2020!
Who's Who 2020!