The CCHS and CCJH Christmas Choral Concert has started. Watch on CCSD Facebook Live or on the Choctaw County Chargers YouTube Channel. #ChargerNation
Reminder CCHS Chorus chicken dinner fundraiser is tonight 3:15 to 6 in the CCHS cafeteria. Plates will be $6. #ChargerNation #ChargerFmaily
The 2020 Mid-Mississippi Challenge schedule has been released. Challenge is January 18 at the Ty-Cobb. #ChargerNation #ChargerFamily
North American Coal Corporation donated funds to help support the Choctaw County High School Library. #ChargerFamily #ChargerNation
Tonight’s junior high basketball games at Ethel and varsity games at home versus Leake Central have been canceled due to weather concerns. Information about make-up dates and times will be passed along as soon as those details are finalized.
Awesome job by the CCHS Cheerleaders this afternoon at the State Cheering Competition in Jackson! #ImChargedUp
Good luck to our CCHS Charger Cheerleaders as they compete in the State Competition today! Get out and support these young ladies! #Beloudandproud #ChargerNation
The CCJH Beta participated in a December service project by collecting blankets to send to Blair E. Baston Hospital. We are so proud of our students for collecting 38 blankets. This is such a great opportunity for our students to learn to help others in need.
Choctaw County School District will operate on a two hour delay tomorrow Wednesday December 11! This is due to the potential of hazardous travel conditions! Breakfast will NOT be served!
The CCHS and CCJH bands did a great job tonight in their concert. Mr. Dobbs has done a wonderful job preparing them for tonight. #ChargerNation #ChargerFamily
CCHS and the CCJH will host a Christmas Concert tomorrow 12/10 at 6:00 in the Ty Cobb Auditorium. Admission will be $2. #ChargerNation
CCHS Chamber Singers performed Sunday morning, 12/8/19, at Enon Presbyterian. Great performance and wonderful service. #ChargerNation
CCHS Choirs will be performing their Christmas Concert on Thursday, 12/19/19, at 6:00 PM at Ty Cobb. Admittance is $5.00 #ChargerNation
CCSD has a new phone app designed specifically for our District. Please check out the video and download the app from your app store. You can follow the school that your child attends to keep up with news, events, lunch menus and much more!
Enjoyed hearing the high school singing groups this morning!
Congratulations to these three Charger Football Players on being selected All State:
Trace Beard 1st team All State Punter
Brady Brooks 1st team All State Center
Calvin Talley 2nd team All State Defensive Tackle
Allison Hulett's 1st period class won the school spirit competition. They won breakfast this morning. #ChargerNation
CCHS rewarded the 7th graders today for having the highest attendance rate for the semester. #ChargerNation
CCSD has a new phone app designed specifically for our School District. Please check out the video and download the app from your app store. You can follow the school that your child attends to keep up with news, events, lunch menus and much more!
CCSD has a new phone app designed specifically for our District. Please check out the video and download the app from your app store. You can follow the school that your child attends to keep up with news, events, lunch menus and much more!